The Diaper Bag

Monday, March 28, 2005

Wash Me, Part 2

Remember how I was complaining about how people still write "Wash Me!" on the back of dirty car windows? I mean how hard is it to come up with something clever? Well, today I saw the BEST pulling out of HEB. It said, "I wish my wife was this dirty". Hilarious...I am still laughing.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Saturday Samples

Dallas and I have happened upon a very cool FREE thing. Last Saturday, after the duck pond, we went to HEB to do some shopping. It was around 1:30 and they had samples practically in every section of the store. They have a "Cook's Connection" near the deli where 2 large chefs cook up something and let customers eat while they try to get you to buy the ingredients. Last weekend it was grilled chicken on chibatti bread and this week it was artichoke pesto with pasta and veggies. Other things around the store: cookies in the bakery, cheese/meat in the deli, brisket and salad in the frozen food section, various cereal/snacks at the front of several aisles, green tea, and root beer floats. So now, every Saturday, I make a big breakfast and we wait and go to the grocery store around 1-2 and eat lunch.

Yesterday, I had to go to Whole Foods to buy Elias' baby cereal. I am so glad...more samples. Dark chocolate dipped strawberries when you first walked in, creme brulee with fresh raspberries, several breads, fruits, and get this...lamb chops in the meat section! There was also soy protein drinks, veggie chips, waffles, cheeses, quiche, and a couple of other snacks. we are thinking we can hit Whole Foods each week, too. But what about Central Market and Rice Epicurian??? Those places MUST have the good stuff out!

So, if you are poor and need some nutrition...go and feast every Saturday.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Duck Pond

This past Saturday was gorgeous! So what else is a family with a kid supposed to do but go to the park. So, we went to the park. We go to one that is right alongside Beltway 8. Another wonderful reminder of our lovely cement city. But I have to say the city did good on this one, even if it is right by a tollway. The park has a huge outer circle to walk on and an inner circle to piddle around. They have a big play area, a tai chi cement circle, an exercise equipment area, and the beloved duck pond. We brought a blanket and sat in the shade of a very small tree. The wind was really strong this day so it was a task to keep everything grounded. In the middle of the pond is an island where about 50 turtles were basking in the sun. On the grassy part there was a number of ducks sleeping. Most of the ducks were paired off and swimming (or pushed by the wind) around. There was one REALLY huge goose, who I guess was either lost or King of the pond. A fountain rounded off this quaint scenery. What was hilarious was the goose was washing himself in the fountain and then the fountain shut off. He still hung around and was poking the pipe with his beak trying to get the glorious water to come back. There was even a crouchity old duck on the island who, ever once in a while, would become agitated and quack someone off the island. We brought bread, of course, and procedded to feed. The funny thing was, these ducks were too full to eat anymore. Every once in a while, one would nibble or the goose would eat, but for the most part, the crows would fly down from the trees and feast. This was not the best part of the duck pond.

Elias was. He stood almost the entire time, yelling and squealling with delight. It was hilarious! Our son came out of his perverbial shell and ever since the pond has been loud. A huge change if you know our son and are around him. At home he has had moments of grunting and just hamming it up and anytime we go outside, he proceeds to shout for joy. Yeah for ducks! BTW, the same day he learned how to clap and he got his first tooth (top left).